SecurCapital Corp


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SecurCapital Joins The LACBFFA Emerging Technology Committee

SecurCapital Corp, has joined the Los Angeles Custom Brokers Freight Forwarders Association(LACBFFA) Emerging Technologies committee to address new technology options for improving business processes in the logistics industry. The global supply chain is constantly challenged  with changing government regulations, environmental issues, and cost controls, so implementing new technology standards for revenue growth and cost savings is a top priority.

“The group of seven committee members has deep industry experience with challenges of managing global freight transactions” said Bill Rochfort, President, SecurCapital Corp. “Our company is focused on cloud technology solutions for the logistics industry to help overcome critical challenges – working capital infusion, 4PL advisory, and new technology integration. Custom brokers and freight forwarders are huge stakeholders for leveraging new technology and improving  their customer experience. SecurCapital is excited to be with an experienced organization like LACBFFA”.

The Los Angeles Custom Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association(LACBFFA) was established in 1949 to represent the common business interests of licensed customs brokerage, freight forwarding, and non-vessel operating common carriers(NVOCC) industry in dealing with government, carriers, industry, and one another. LACBFFA aims to achieve standardization in the industry and promotes a high degree of professional conduct among its members, including high standards of ethics and financial viability. LACBFFA provides leadership to its members in dealing with city, state, and federal agencies, as well as offering a forum for the exchange of ideas. LACBFFA acts as an authoritative voice for the industry at official and government levels.

Abhijeet Singh