Rethinking The Workplace in 2022
The time to act and think outside the box is now. With COVID-19 disrupting how businesses attract and retain employees since 2020, companies need to find new and improved ways to keep themselves going through their employees.
Here are some things in the ever-changing workplace environment that can assist with this issue. While some of these items can be considered to be excessive overhead by cutting into profit models, so is a reduction in the workforce. At SecurCapital we understand that sometimes the least expensive method is just as effective as more expensive ones.
Enhanced training and advancement options for employees.
With the hard-working employees you have, there may be some with under-utilized talents. It’s up to the managers and the owners of the companies to recognize and develop a system to measure and manage those talents. Cross-training can be one way to do that. Spending some man-hours pushing workers to be the best they can be will be extremely beneficial to staffing challenges.
Listen to staff when creating a corporate culture program.
Lots of things can entice new workers to stay and become loyal to a company. Things like bonuses, recognition, vacation time, flowers and birthday cards, insurance coverage, and good, clear communication with your staff can have outstanding benefits. These ideas will have people not only applying but staying with the company and remaining loyal to the company throughout their careers.
Creative and competitive benefits and pay structures.
Everyone, especially new employees, are looking for the best possible pay rate and structure to help them pay the bills. Why not entice and enable your benefits manager to find the very best health insurance plans and retirement plans at manageable costs? You’ll find that more people are willing to stay with a company that offers these benefits than those that do not.
Search outside the box.
Ever wonder why no one in your area is applying for jobs? Perhaps it’s not because people don’t want to work, but that you are looking in the wrong spot. Attract employees by looking into organizations that can assist in relocating employees from other regions. Reach out to Veterans organizations as well as retirement groups. Not everyone wants to stay at home and do nothing in their retirement. Some can’t afford to do nothing. So reach out to them and offer them benefits that will help them. Larger firms can even offer paid apprenticeships or internships programs, connecting to colleges and universities locally or even globally.
Engage with industry organizations to learn new tactics for success.
Ever wonder why other companies are getting all the good employees? Well, ask them! Understanding that all organizations are experiencing the same shift in the workforce may help you to understand the scope of what you’re dealing with. Collectively purchasing, sharing resources and or talent could be a path forward for savings and productivity. Communication is best when dealing with a lack of workforce. If you simply reach out to others and ask what they are doing differently, you may find yourself surprised by the answer you get!
Embrace remote workers with options and support.
Remote jobs are now becoming a big deal with COVID-19 barging its way through the workplace. Obviously, in logistics, this is a luxury that cannot be afforded. Before COVID-19, 1 in 67 jobs were remote. Now, 1 in 7 jobs are now remote. With things as they are nowadays, people prefer the flexibility of a work-from-home job or simply working remotely. And those that mentioned they were searching for a work from home job said they’d continue to do so because of said flexibility. If anything, COVID-19 has shown us that we need to make the dramatic shift to some jobs being remote or at-home positions if possible.
In BIG Logistics’ recent blog, they talk about 5S and optimizing for success. Not only does this improve upon and enhance best practices, but it also ensures safety and better provides for employees. Here at SecurCapital, we want to make sure that our teams and their families are healthy, happy, and as well as accommodating to the best of our abilities. As we navigate the issues with COVID-19 and related variants, we will strive to be there for our employees, constantly making sure they are well provided for. We want you to feel secure with SecurCapital.