SecurCapital Corp


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The e-Commerce Boom

During the pandemic, e-commerce experienced exponential growth and now that this is no longer a boom, but the new normal, everyone has had to rethink their strategies to keep up. We all want to provide reliable, stellar service, but in this new environment, what does that look like?

At SecurCapital, it looks like diversification of our portfolio of services. As a 3PL provider, we have the resources and expertise to craft a logistics solution that moves, stores, and delivers your cargo on your schedule and with unsurpassed service. 

Logistics Management reports that US e-commerce sales are projected to pass the $1 trillion mark in 2022, and worldwide, $5.5 trillion. To break it down, $0.22 of every dollar spent will be in the e-market. That’s a lot of opportunity for profit on the table for those willing to do the work. 

Nia Hudson, an analyst for Transport Intelligence Ltd. says,  “Customers continue to shop online more, and for a greater number of categories than ever before. As a result, an increasing number of businesses are choosing to move online to capture a wider audience, particularly small- to mid-sized enterprises.” She goes on to say, “The convenience and speed of online shopping is a big draw for customers, who increasingly expect faster, more accurate delivery times… As e-commerce takes off and the subsequent fulfillment operations become increasingly complex, 3PLs will be rethinking how they can alleviate these complexities for shippers.”

As volumes continue to increase, answers will be found in outside-the-box thinking, new technologies and innovation. Gaining access to these tools isn’t enough, shippers need a strategic partner who can not only access and use these tools, but who is elastic enough to leverage them in the best possible manner to exceed the status quo and grow to meet future demands. 

SecurCapital has an eye on the future and is ready to help you grow into your success. Reach out to us today to discuss your expanding horizons.